IREM Sustainable Property Challenge relaunches with property-level certification

by Brianna Crandall — November 12, 2014—The IREM Sustainable Property Challenge, launched last year as part of the Institute of Real Estate Management’s (IREM) new, industry-wide sustainability program, concluded its first competition period at the end of September, with winners announced during IREM’s October Fall Leadership Conference in Orlando. The cost-free challenge has relaunched, with many new features, to mark a new competition period that runs from October 1 through September 1, 2015.

The IREM Sustainable Property Challenge is one of three integrated parts that comprise IREM Sustainability. Designed to help property managers and other practitioners strive for efficient buildings, enhance financial performance and property values, and make a positive environmental impact, the program also includes a Web-based platform and a new property-level certification. The program is run on Green Per Square Foot software.

Challenge highlights and new features

The Challenge calls for the completion of activities for individual properties drawn from seven main categories: education and outreach; energy; water conservation; materials and waste; interiors, exteriors and purchasing; transportation; and tenant engagement. Completing activities earns points, and points move participants up a leaderboard.

Among the new features of the challenge relaunch is the designation of winners in several categories and property types. Grand prize winners will receive a promotional package, waived IREM Certified Sustainable Property application fees for one property, and free sustainability consulting services by Envision Realty Services.

IREM Sustainability is a dedicated Web site containing detailed information on all components of IREM’s sustainability program, including enrolling in the Challenge and achieving the IREM Certified Sustainable Property certification.

The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is an international community of real estate managers dedicated to promoting ethical business practices, maximizing the value of investment real estate, and promoting superior management through education and information sharing. An affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS, IREM serves both the multifamily and commercial sectors and offers several credentials. Founded in 1933, IREM promotes best practices in real estate management, with 19,000 individual and 550 corporate members.