ISSA-TV cleaning videos cover water scarcity, infection control

by Brianna Crandall — February 17, 2016—Worldwide cleaning industry association ISSA has added three new videos in recent weeks to its collection of free ISSA-TV Educational Quick Clip cleaning industry-related videos. The new ones cover water scarcity, cleaning sales, and controlling the spread of infection.

ISSA-TV: Why You Should Care About Water Conservation

How can the Earth be facing a water shortage when the planet is 70 percent water? And what does this scarcity mean for the cleaning industry? In last week’s free ISSA-TV Educational Quick Clip video, facilities expert Steve Spencer explains how droughts are affecting drinkable water in the United States and elsewhere — and what changes might be in store for jansan professionals.

Steve Spencer is a facilities specialist in cleaning and interior maintenance for State Farm Insurance Co. He is regarded as one of the nation’s leading authorities on safety, health, and hygiene, and is a nationally recognized consultant, author, and speaker with more than 30 years of experience in the jansan industry.

ISSA is also presenting a complimentary Webinar on water conservation February 17 at 12:00 p.m. EST. Register on the ISSA Web site.

ISSA-TV: Don’t Put All Your Sales “Eggs” in One Basket

In days of yore, sales reps would develop a relationship with a company by focusing on the buyer and then nurturing a close relationship with just one key contact. But what happens when that contact gets sick, moves into another role, or leaves the company? In the free Quick Clip video from the week of January 27, sales consultant Jim Pancero explains why the old account-management model does not work anymore — and how sales teams should build relationships in the 21st century.

Jim Pancero is a leading sales and sales-management consultant for the business-to-business (B2B) market. He has conducted more than 2,500 presentations or consulting days for more than 500 companies. He is the author of Leading Your Sales Team: How to Manage a Winning Sales Team.

ISSA-TV: Simple Ways to Control the Spread of Infection

An individual cannot always control what germs come into a residence or facility, but they can keep the germs from being spread around. For example, if the custodial staff is using the same cloth to clean both a bathroom and a desk, they could be cross-contaminating surfaces without even knowing it. In the ISSA-TV cleaning video from the week of January 21, green cleaning consultant Steve Ashkin spells out some simple cleaning tips that are not just valuable for cold and flu season, but all year ‘round.

Steve Ashkin has been working in the cleaning industry since 1981. He is president of The Ashkin Group, a consulting firm specializing in greening the cleaning process, as well as executive director of the Green Cleaning Network. Ashkin is the co-author of The Business of Green Cleaning and Green Cleaning for Dummies, and has extensive experience working throughout the entire supply chain.