Johnson Controls to help Delaware facilities improve energy management

by Jbs041210 i5 — April 14, 2010—The state of Delaware recently designated Johnson Controls as a preferred energy services provider by the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (DESEU). DESEU is a comprehensive program designed to help Delaware generate energy and cost savings, create new jobs, and support the environment.

As one of the first energy services providers to be recognized by DESEU, Johnson Controls will have the opportunity to help improve the state’s government, academic, educational and municipal facilities on both the state and local levels. The recognition also enables the company to help Delaware move closer toward its goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 percent by 2020.

Johnson Controls helps federal, state and local governments and other public sector institutions such as K-12 school districts and state universities across the nation achieve greater energy efficiency through self-funded programs. These programs include systems integration, alternative energy solutions, and innovation, which address facilities improvements, create new jobs, reduce GHG emissions and improve comfort and productivity in buildings.