Kimball Office earns new furniture sustainability certification

by Rebecca Walker — July 17, 2009—Living up to its heritage of environmental stewardship, Kimball Office has become one of the first in the furniture industry to earn level certification for its entire product portfolio.

A LEED-like program for the contract furniture market, level verifies conformance to BIFMA’s e3 sustainability standard through a recognized third-party certifier. For Kimball Office, it is Scientific Certification Systems. In addition to achieving certification, Kimball Office played a leading role within the diverse group involved in developing e3 with BIFMA.

The e3 standard ensures a comprehensive and impartial assessment of a product’s environmental and social impact, says Kimball Office. It also gives customers an easy way to understand how products contribute to their sustainability goals. The new standard applies to all business and institutional furniture, including movable walls, systems furniture, desking systems, casegoods, tables, seating and accessories, and materials and components manufactured by suppliers to furniture manufacturers.

With the exception of Bingo seating and Aspire tables, all of Kimball Office’s current products are certified to level 1.

For more information, see the Kimball Office Web site.