KMC Controls, J2 Innovations to develop mobile apps to connect building automation systems to Internet of Things

by Brianna Crandall — June 5, 2015—KMC Controls, a U.S.-based provider of building automation systems sold around the world, announced last week a new partnership with software developer J2 Innovations to develop cloud-based, enterprise-level integration and mobile applications to quickly and easily connect building automation systems to the Internet of Things (IoT).

KMC Controls is developing a complete IoT Platform that forms an end-to-end solution from sensors and controllers (edge devices) to cloud-based remote management applications. Remote visualization and control are enabled via a cloud-hosted, mobile application based architecture with secure data access.

J2 Innovations will provide critical development support and advanced visualization tools to add powerful reach beyond traditional building automation system data, creating a more dynamic experience for mobile users.

KMC will be exhibiting the new technology as a platinum-level sponsor at two major upcoming events:

  • Cochrane Supply Niagara Summit, June 4-5, in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
  • Realcomm IBCon, June 9-10, in San Antonio, Texas

Parties interested in learning more or speaking with the development team may contact KMC Controls.