Many companies are not as “green” as they say, Two Tomorrows Group report finds

by Shane Henson — October 26, 2011—Company reports highlighting green initiatives abound as officials seek to prove to their board members and customers that they are committed to being more sustainable. However, according to a new report by Two Tomorrows Group, an international corporate sustainability agency, many companies are doing far less than they claim to reduce their environmental impact.

The report, 2011 Tomorrow’s Value Rating, reveals that there is a danger that leading companies are taking existing practices and passing them under the sustainability lens to give a compelling green picture of the company. By looking at the sustainability practices of the world’s most prominent companies, the 2011 Tomorrow’s Value Rating uncovers the extent to which the companies widely recognized as sustainability leaders deserve their place within the leading sustainability rankings. And it shows which companies are likely to deliver long-term investment value thanks to their sustainable practices.

“We believe that the strongest companies of tomorrow are those with the best sustainability practices today, so naturally we should expect great things from those at the top of that list,” says Todd Cort, CEO of Two Tomorrows North America, who led the rating program. “True sustainability leaders are companies which do not just manage their sticky issues, they embrace them.”

The 2011 Tomorrow’s Value Rating Aaa-rated companies are: Campbell’s, Danone, General Electric, Glaxosmithkline, HP, Intel, Nestlé, Nike, Panasonic, Siemens, and Unilever.