by Brianna Crandall — May 1, 2015—March Networks, an Infinova Company and provider of high-definition video surveillance, and DMP (Digital Monitoring Products), a family-owned manufacturer of electronic burg/fire/access products, recently announced an integration designed to provide financial institutions, retailers and other organizations with a comprehensive security management solution for faster incident response, better risk mitigation, and stronger investigation capabilities.
Demonstrated at this month’s ISC West 2015 security conference and exposition, the solution integrates March Networks’ high-performance 8000 Series Hybrid NVR (network video recorder) platform with DMP XR550 and XR500 Control Panels. Managed with March Networks Visual Intelligence software, the integrated solution is said to be available without additional licensing fees.
With the integration, any event captured by the DMP control panels can initiate a wide range of actions via the 8000 Series recorders. An alarm activated by someone swiping a key card after business hours, or pushing a burglar, fire or panic alarm, can trigger the video system to tag the video for longer retention, pop up a live video display window, move PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom) cameras to preset locations, or send notification e-mails.
All alarms and events are recorded and appear within the system alarm logs, allowing users to search for them in the investigation software and play back the associated video captured by analog or IP (Internet protocol) cameras.
According to the companies, the integrated solution addresses demand from their shared customer base, particularly in the banking market, where March Networks video surveillance systems are reportedly deployed by more than 450 financial institutions and DMP is recognized for its leading intrusion and access control systems.