NABERS environmental ratings for buildings extended to challenging six stars

by Shane Henson — August 29, 2011—Facilities managers in Australia whose buildings have achieved a five-star rating for environmental performance through the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) now have an even bigger goal to meet—a six-star rating.

NABERS is a national program, administered by the New South Wales (NSW) Office of Environment and Heritage. It includes tools for energy, water, waste and indoor environment. According to officials within the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, 60% of Australian office space has been rated with NABERS Energy, 68% in the state of New South Wales. Around 5% of rated buildings are currently achieving a five-star rating, set as an aspirational target in 2000. A six-star rating will be awarded for “market-leading” performance, and will represent a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or water use from five stars.

“This is a move that was called for by top performers in the commercial property industry who are already moving beyond NABERS five-star excellence towards a market-leading six star goal,” said Lisa Corbyn, the Office of Environment and Heritage’s chief executive.