by Brianna Crandall — January 20, 2016—In September 2015, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) convened a working group in an effort to gather support for the establishment of a national energy benchmarking, reporting and disclosure framework in Canada.
A free, 10-page summary report that identifies the key principles for a national framework was developed based on the contributions of the working group, and is now available on the CaGBC Web site.
This summary details how a national strategy for energy benchmarking would reduce the challenges and complexity of implementing benchmarking and reporting requirements in Canadian cities and provinces. A national strategy would also allow for more consistent requirements, making compliance easier for building owners with portfolios across multiple jurisdictions.
In addition to the summary now available, the CaGBC will continue working with key stakeholders to develop a white paper containing a series of recommendations for the Canadian Government based on the agreed principles and framework and existing industry research. This paper will be available in spring 2016.