NEMA applauds Senate’s federal energy efficiency training act

by Jbs072610 b3 — July 30, 2010—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) issued a statement July 23, 2010 applauding the U.S. Senate on its passage, by unanimous consent, of S. 3250, the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act.

The organization says this legislation would help achieve President Obama’s goal of reducing the energy consumption of the federal government by training federal facilities managers to implement and properly use existing energy-efficient technologies.

“NEMA commends the Senate for its fast action on this legislation and encourages the House to follow suit,” said NEMA President and CEO Evan R. Gaddis. “Training federal facilities managers on how to properly use these existing technologies will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and help the largest domestic user of energy—the federal government—reduce its carbon footprint.”

NEMA is the association of electrical and medical imaging equipment manufacturers. Founded in 1926 and headquartered near Washington, D.C., its approximately 450 member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end use of electricity. These products are used in utility, industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential applications.