NEMA launches updated surge protection resource Web site

by Brianna Crandall — January 28, 2015—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA) Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices Section has just launched an updated version of its Web site, The Web site, home to the NEMA Surge Protection Institute, provides information and resources to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers related to surge protection.

Citing a recent survey conducted by the section in which 71 percent of respondents indicated that they purchased surge protection after surge damage occurred, the section’s Industry Development Committee launched a campaign to inform property owners and managers about protecting their electronic devices from lightning or voltage surges.

According to Committee Chairman Tom Colcombe, the mission behind the Web site is to raise awareness of the benefits of surge protection to all users of low-voltage electrical systems in North America. Educating users about proper application and usage is paramount to protecting these electrical systems, says Colcombe.

The NEMA Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices Section encourages building and business owners and managers to use, and to share with others information learned about surge protection. NEMA also encourages readers to listen to the first in a series of “Electric Minute” surge protective devices podcasts, part of the NEMACasts: The Electroindustry Podcast series.