NEMA welcomes Congressional focus on energy efficiency policies

by Brianna Crandall — May 11, 2015—The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power held hearings on April 30 focused on energy efficiency legislation. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) welcomed the continued focus on commonsense policies that save American consumers money, reduce waste, and use electricity more wisely, calling energy efficiency the “fuel of first choice.”

NEMA encourages the Senate to enact S 720, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015. Long supported by NEMA, this bipartisan bill has received acclaim for its practical approach to improving energy efficiency in the United States.

The bill sponsored by Senators Portman (R-OH) and Shaheen (D-NH) would promote energy efficiency in building codes, schools, federal buildings, and industrial facilities— including pilot programs for the replacement of inefficient distribution transformers and the installation of energy-efficient electric motors and controls that precisely manage the energy required for industrial and commercial applications.

A 2014 survey conducted for NEMA and the National Association of Manufacturers found that a substantial majority of voters polled—including those identifying as conservative, moderate, and liberal—support measures to promote energy efficiency. Nine in ten of those polled support using energy-efficient products and believe it is important to include energy efficiency as part of our country’s energy solutions.

A full 74% of those polled support investing taxpayers’ dollars on energy-efficient technologies, innovations, and programs if it would save consumers more money. Finally, 69% are more likely to support investing taxpayers’ dollars on energy efficiency if those investments will not raise taxes or add to the federal deficit due to the fact that energy efficiency investments reduce government operating expenses and return dollars to the Treasury, and as long as they do not involve government mandates on consumers.

NEMA urges Congress to “be mindful of this grassroots support as they work to pass energy efficiency legislation this year.”