NeoCon 2012: Herman Miller Healthcare, Nemschoff receive Silver Award for modular seating “Steps”

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by Ann Withanee — June 15, 2012—A Silver Award was bestowed on Herman Miller Healthcare and Nemschoff, subsidiaries of Herman Miller, Inc., for modular seating called Steps. As the company put it, the winning product in The Best of NeoCon 2012 competition is “taking the Right Steps” and is “revitalizing vibrancy into the healthcare environment.” The prestigious competition was a stellar event during NeoCon, the exposition of contract furniture and furnishings that takes place annually at The Merchandise Mart, Chicago.

Because healthcare environments continue to require adaptive furnishings, Steps offers a flexible solution that helps healthcare facilities meet changing demands. Steps not only fills the need to help organizations optimize the space within their facilities with a flexible solution, but also “to continue to promote the level of comfort that end-users desire,” says Kent Gawart, Chief Operating Officer, Nemschoff.

Steps features serpentine and in-line sections and furnishing options of varying heights—from high-back seating solutions to flat benches—to meet dynamic needs of healthcare facilities.

Designed by Brian Kane to be a truly adaptive seating solution, Steps makes use of its serpentine and in-line sections and furnishing options of varying heights—from high-back seating solutions to flat benches—to create open or private zones all in one system to meet dynamic needs of healthcare facilities. The solution’s extensive array of possible combinations allows for creativity and space efficiency, creating a customizable fit for any healthcare facility.

During its NeoCon introduction, award-winning Steps displayed its creative flexibility in the Herman Miller permanent showroom in The Merchandise Mart.

See the list of the Best of NeoCon winners on FMLink.