by Brianna Crandall — July 8, 2013—Along with its Gold-winning Guardian Chair complete with a bullet-resistant vest, Texas-based ergonomic chair designer Neutral Posture also introduced an ergonomic arm attachment for mobile devices and a chair designed for active sitting at the NeoCon 2013 contract furnishings show in Chicago in June. Connexion Arm was an entrant in the Technology Support category of the Best of NeoCon Competition, and Ongo was an entrant in the Seating: Ergonomic Desk/Task category.
Technology continues to evolve, with tablets and laptops becoming the latest tools at work, and the workplace needs to make the adjustments necessary to respond to the changes, notes Neutral Posture. The company’s new Connexion Arm makes it easier to use these technology tools by themselves or alongside other devices, while sitting or standing, all without sacrificing ergonomics.
The philosophy behind the Connexion Arm is that technology should not dictate working posture, and a chair should support technology needs. The product helps eliminate awkward postures and reduce injuries caused by using tablets and laptops. It is engineered for ease of use.
As Neutral Posture notes, much of modern life takes place in a seated position, although the human body is designed for movement and needs to be active to retain muscle tone, good posture, and a positive attitude. The ONGO stool strikes a balance between these apparently conflicting needs, allowing the user to sit on it but also move on it.
ONGO is an ergonomically designed stool for dynamic sitting, created by German architect Eberhard Lenz of ONGO . The stool’s curved base responds to any shift in weight, activating the body’s musculature, and the ball track gives acoustic feedback on every movement.
The ONGO name is akin to the Spanish word hongo, or “mushroom,” for quickly apparent reasons, and is a composite of “on” and “go,” symbolizing the fact that with ONGO devices, users can exercise anytime, in between other tasks or at the same time. The ONGO stool weighs 13 pounds and comes in a variety of colors for the seat fabric and base.
Neutral Posture, Inc. is a Texas-based manufacturer of ergonomic seating products and accessories for the office, lab and manufacturing areas. Jaye Elizabeth Congleton and Rebecca Congleton Boenigk began Neutral Posture in 1989 using the pressure-reducing seat design developed by Dr. Jerome Congleton to support his neutral body posture ideas. Neutral Posture is now a top diversity supplier for the U.S. government and Fortune 500 companies worldwide.