New handbook explains ins and outs of building performance tracking

by Shane Henson — November 23, 2011—A new guide on building performance tracking, The Building Performance Tracking Handbook, has been released by the California Commissioning Collaborative, a nonprofit organization committed to improving the performance of buildings and their systems.

The free handbook, geared toward property owners and managers, outlines the steps needed to continually manage building performance, demystifies the complex array of building performance tracking tools available, and provides guidance on selecting the most appropriate tracking strategy.

According to California Commissioning Collaborative, performance tracking is key to ensuring that green buildings are operated and maintained properly so that they perform as designed, saving energy and costs. Going one step further, tracking enables property owners and managers to see how buildings can be improved so that even more value—and savings—can be realized. Ideally, tracking and improvement make up a continuous process so that buildings are always on course to increase performance and gain value.