New OSHA resource covers green job safety and health

by Brianna Crandall — January 21, 2011—Information on Green Job Hazards is now available on the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Web site. Green jobs are being defined broadly as jobs that help to improve the environment, such as in the wind and solar energy, recycling and biofuels industries.

Green jobs are not necessarily safe jobs, notes OSHA. Workers in the green industries may face hazards that are commonly known in workplaces, such as falls, confined spaces, electrical, fire, and other similar hazards. Additionally, workers may be exposed to new hazards which may not have been previously identified. For example, workers in the solar energy industry may be exposed to cadmium telluride, a known carcinogen, if adequate controls are not implemented.

The Web site offers information on hazards in particular industries and the OSHA standards that may apply in each. Industries covered are: Wind Energy, Solar, Geo-Thermal Energy, Biofuels, Recycling, Green Roofs, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, and Weather Insulating/Sealing. The site also offers links to resources from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Blue Green Alliance.