by Jbs030309 b3 — March 4, 2009—A new Web site now offers helpful resources for paper purchasers who want to make more earth-friendly consumer choices. Environmental Paper Network (EPN), a coalition of more than 100 conservation groups, has unveiled, a comprehensive online resource to guide and assist paper purchasers and companies in their switch to environmentally preferable paper.
A Paper Purchaser’s Toolkit helps purchasers make educated decisions about efficiently using and buying paper with a lighter environmental footprint. The toolkit presents a visual guide called “Paper Steps,” detailing the hierarchy from environmentally least desirable papers manufactured from virgin fibers and causing the highest greenhouse gas emissions, to environmentally preferable papers of mostly post-consumer recycled material and/or certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and emitting less greenhouse gas.
The site also offers paper buyers access to comprehensive information about how to save money, reduce their carbon footprints and protect endangered forests.
In addition, the site hosts EPN’s blog, the Paper Planet, which reports on the growing marketplace for environmentally responsible paper.