by Brianna Crandall — October 8, 2014—The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week (FPW) for more than 90 years, is gearing up to officially kick off this year’s campaign, October 5-11, 2014. The theme is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!”
NFPA asserts that smoke alarms can help make the difference between life and death in a fire, but they need to be working. This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign reinforces the importance of testing smoke alarms each month. NFPA recommends replacing smoke alarm batteries once a year, or before then if the battery begins to “chirp,” and replacing all smoke alarms every 10 years, or sooner if they do not respond properly when tested.
Of relevance to facilities managers of multifamily residential facilities, NFPA notes that working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire in half. While research shows that most U.S. residences have at least one smoke alarm, almost two-thirds of home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
As part of Fire Prevention Week, Cintas Corp. has outlined six fire prevention tips to help facilities managers protect a business from fire while complying with all building-code requirements year round, published on the ISSA Web site. Cintas Corp. provides uniforms and apparel, restroom supplies, and mats as well as first aid, document management, and fire protection services

Providing further information on fire protection issues, the September/October 2014 edition of the NFPA Journal explores the complicated history of fire escapes and how this Victorian-era fire safety feature persists despite its reputation for being a safety hazard as much as a safety measure. The issue also covers wildfires from several perspectives, and explores life safety in U.S. embassies abroad.
Also featured in this issue:
- Fire Loss Report — The report contains overall statistics from the NFPA survey of fire departments on fires, civilian deaths and injuries, and property damage in 2013.
- St. Patrick’s Cathedral — Why a landmark cathedral in New York City chose a water mist system as part of a comprehensive restoration project.
- 2013 catastrophic fires — The Yarnell Hill wildfire in Arizona and ammonium nitrate fire and explosion in West, Texas, top the list of deadliest fire events from last year.