by jbs061109f3 — June 17, 2009—The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is launching a new initiative with its partners to highlight the importance of incorporating worker safety and health into “green jobs” and environmental sustainability. The initiative will also develop guidance for preventing occupational injuries and illnesses in these growing sectors.
As a first step in this initiative, NIOSH introduced a new Web page, “Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs” which will serve as an evolving portal to information and resources being developed or identified by NIOSH and its diverse partners.
The initial contents of the Web page include links to selected online NIOSH resources on industry sectors, including: agriculture; construction; manufacturing; services; and transportation, warehousing, and utilities.
Links also are included to resources on specific topics related to green jobs, which are broadly defined as jobs that help to improve the environment. The topics include chemicals, falls from elevations, outdoor work, highway work zone safety, machine safety, nanotechnology, hearing loss prevention, protective clothing, and respirators. NIOSH plans to add new information and links to the page on an ongoing basis.