by Shane Henson — September 30, 2011—The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx), a national partnership of regional pollution prevention information centers funded in part through grants from EPA, recently announced the launch of the “National Sustainable Lodging Network,” an online community of sustainable hospitality practitioners and an information clearinghouse to support the work of this community.
Public interest in “going green,” personal ethic, and market demand have led to a growing community of practice in the sustainable hospitality area. As a result, there has been an explosion of state and local sustainable hospitality programs in recent years and a proliferation of information on how to “green-up” hospitality operations, say P2Rx officials.
P2Rx created the National Sustainable Lodging Network in order to facilitate information sharing amongst the private and public sectors. The site brings lodging operations together with federal, state, local, and tribal sustainable hospitality programs, including environmental agencies, tourism boards, and lodging associations. The goals for the site are to provide forums for sustainable hospitality practitioners to share information on practices and challenges; elevate sustainable hospitality programs and the facilities that participate in them; increase the adoption of sustainable hospitality practices nationwide; and foster innovation in sustainable lodging through the exchange of ideas.
While the network will directly benefit sustainable hospitality practitioners, the wealth of information gained through it should prove to be of interest to facilities personnel from a diverse array of industries.