by Brianna Crandall — November 19, 2014—The 501c3 Process Cleaning for Healthy Schools (PC4HS) group provided guidance earlier this fall on handling potential PCB-containing dust from substances such as older caulking in schools.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Basic Information [on] Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Web page:
“Caulk containing potentially harmful polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was used in many buildings, including schools, in the 1950s through the 1970s. Most schools and buildings built after 1979 do not contain PCBs in caulk. On September 25, 2009, EPA announced new guidance for school administrators and building managers with important information about managing PCBs in caulk, and tools to help minimize possible exposure. Through EPA PCB Regional Coordinators, the Agency will also assist communities in identifying potential problems and, if necessary, developing plans for PCB testing and removal.”
PC4HS recommends that schools take two initial steps when caulk or other materials are suspected of containing PCBs:
- Test first (a non-custodial role). Per EPA: “If testing reveals PCB levels above the levels EPA has determined to be safe, schools should attempt to identify any potential sources of PCBs that may be present in the building, including testing samples of caulk and looking for other potential PCB sources (e.g., old transformers, capacitors, or fluorescent light ballasts that might still be present at the school).”
- If elevated PCB content is found, proceed with EPA guidance, found on the agency’s main PCB Web page or its PCBs in Caulk in Older Buildings Web page.
General PC4HS Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Guidance
Dust — potentially containing PCBs and other unwanted matter — should always be considered a “hazardous” substance, and be safely contained and removed from buildings rather than stirred into the air, asserts PC4HS. The group recommends high-efficiency containment and removal methods including:
- Well-filtered vacuums certified for indoor air quality (IAQ) by Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) testing, and/or other independent labs;
- Emptying and cleaning/inspecting vacuum filters regularly to avoid overloading and torn or compromised media; and to help ensure optimal safety and performance;
- Emptying vacuum liners or bags outdoors and into a plastic trash liner to avoid spreading particles;
- Damp cloth or microfiber dusters that capture and remove particulates; these materials should be laundered separately from other textiles;
- Frequent dusting (e.g., in classrooms) utilizing cleaning specialists in a mapped and inspected process or plan that enables regular and thorough removal of soils (including dust); and
- Good ventilation to minimize airborne particles that may be harmful or allergenic.
The definition and identification of dust that is “potentially hazardous” has become broader as health science has advanced, since pollutants in even tiny amounts (parts per billion) are known to affect human hormonal systems; these are known as “endocrine disrupters,” explains PC4HS. Therefore, the organization follows the “precautionary principle” of avoidance, and adheres to EPA information that advises a three-stage strategy to protect IAQ:
- Source removal or capture
- Ventilation
- Air cleaning (in partnership with HVAC departments)
The number one way, source removal or capture, is considered standard procedure for crews that follow the PC4HS standardized cleaning processes. In addition, PC4HS is looking at ways to monitor and track airborne levels of dust, with such products as Dylos’s DC1100 Pro Air Quality Monitor with PC Interface, and to sample dust for allergens, particularly using the services of Indoor Biotechnologies, an immunodiagnostics and biotechnology company specializing in allergy, asthma and indoor air quality. PC4HS allergen detection services are described in a press release from earlier this year.