Pike Research report highlights rapid growth of global smart meter market

by Shane Henson — August 31, 2011—A new report released by Pike Research, Smart Meter Market Forecasts, provides detailed market forecasts for the fast-growing global smart meter market. The study includes market sizing and forecasting of the smart meter industry through 2020 in terms of unit shipments, total installed base, revenues, and average selling prices. Forecasts are segmented by world region, meter type, and neighborhood area networking (NAN) technology.

In part, Pike Research projects that the world market for smart meters will peak at just over 100 million units in 2015, followed by a gradual decline in annual unit shipments. The growth of the industry will be characterized by regional waves of adoption, beginning with the North American market, which will peak in 2012, followed by a peak in Asia Pacific in 2015, in Europe in 2017, and more gradual long-term growth in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. Pike Research further projects that the installed base of smart meters will continue its robust growth beyond 2015, reaching 963 million units by 2020.

This is important news for facilities personnel working in all sectors across the globe as more will have access to real-time smart meters, allowing them to better monitor and reduce the amount of energy their building uses.