Pike Research report sees growing market for energy efficiency retrofits

by Rebecca Walker — April 4, 2011—The market for retro-commissioning projects in commercial buildings could exceed $1.8 billion by 2014, according to a new study from Pike Research.

The report, Energy Efficiency Retrofits for Commercial and Public Buildings, offers conservative and aggressive forecasts of revenue growth in the market that stood at roughly $160 million in 2010.

The conservative figure projects almost fivefold growth to $759 million in revenue by 2014. The aggressive forecast pegs growth at more than 11 times the size of the 2010 market, which would catapult retro-commissioning revenue beyond $1.8 billion by 2014. Either way, the market could soar, according to the study.

Retro-commissioning generally results in savings of 10 or 20 to percent and average payback periods of less than a year, according to Pike Research.

“Retro-commissioning projects are low-risk investment opportunities with average cash-on-cash return on investment of over 90 percent,” industry analyst Levin Nock said in a Pike Research statement on the study. “As the commissioning industry matures from fewer than 2,000 commissioners at present to more than 20,000, it will probably consolidate around successful marketing and sales strategies. When mature, we believe that the annual revenue opportunity for retro-commissioning will be approximately $4 billion.”

Information on how to download a free copy of the Pike Research executive summary, or purchase the full-length version, is available online.