by Shane Henson — February 4, 2013—Facilities managers hoping to earn points through the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rating system may do so through leveraging REGEN Energy’s Swarm Energy Management solution, the company says.
The internationally recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building program provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. Through certification, projects are recognized for their work towards “greening” their facilities while simultaneously improving building performance and reducing their operating costs, REGEN Energy explains.
In LEED v4, the newest update to the rating systems, USGBC will introduce a new credit that addresses load reductions achieved through demand response programs (DR). REGEN’s Swarm Energy Management solution can help project teams earn all three of the points associated with this credit. Points can be earned even in areas where demand response programs are not yet available, REGEN Energy says. DR programs can help facilities managers and owners relieve grid stress while reducing their operating costs.
According to the company, its patented swarm logic distributes curtailment requests across loads as smoothly as possible, providing superior occupant comfort compared to conventional temperature setback or load limiting strategies. REGEN’s swarm logic ensures that buildings do not rebound into very high-peak demand conditions at the completion of demand response events, a common problem using conventional curtailment methods. Additionally, REGEN says it has helped many commercial and industrial customers across utility districts access readily available financial incentives.