SolarCity to install solar panels on up to 60 additional Walmart stores in California

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by Shane Henson — September 28, 2011—SolarCity, which calls itself the nation’s first full-service solar provider for homeowners, businesses and government organizations, was recently tapped by Walmart to install solar panels on up to 60 additional stores in California, expanding the company’s solar portfolio to more than 75 percent of its stores in the state. This will make California the first state in the nation where Walmart has devoted this level of commitment to renewable energy. SolarCity claims to be the first company to provide solar power system design, financing, installation and monitoring services from a single source.

“California presents a great opportunity for Walmart to make significant progress toward our sustainability goals by installing solar power on more than 130 store rooftops throughout the state,” said Kim Saylors-Laster, Walmart vice president of energy. “Walmart has reduced energy expenses by more than a million dollars through our solar program, allowing us to pass these savings on to our customers in the form of everyday low prices.”

When complete, Walmart’s total solar commitment in California is expected to:

  • Generate up to 70 million kilowatt hours of clean, renewable energy per year, which is the equivalent of powering more than 5,400 homes;
  • Avoid producing more than 21,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, the equivalent of taking approximately 4,100 cars off the road; and
  • Provide 20 to 30 percent of each facility’s total electric needs.

Facilities personnel working within the Walmart stores set to receive the solar panels will likely the first employees to notice the increased energy savings, as well as the beneficial impact on the company’s bottom line. With a large chain like Walmart making such a significant commitment, other companies are sure to follow suit and look into their renewable energy alternatives as well.

Walmart’s investment in solar power is anticipated to create hundreds of jobs in California through its partnership with SolarCity, which will own, install and maintain the new solar power systems. San Mateo, California-based SolarCity says it has added more than 500 new full-time jobs since it initiated its first Walmart solar project, and expects to hire hundreds more before the end of the year.