Symbiot releases snow removal cost index

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August 30, 2006—Symbiot, a national provider of outsourced facility and property services, has released the first in a series of service price indices for property owners and managers in the US. The newly released price index is for snow removal.

“With our national service footprint,” says Matt Glover, Symbiot VP of National Account Operations, “we have good cost visibility for several common property services such as snow removal. Last season, we managed several thousand sites around the country and that data are the basis of our new US Snow Price index, which will be a useful budget planning tool for property owners and managers.”

Glover pointed out that the Mid-Atlantic region would continue to be the most expensive area on a per-event basis, while the Great Lakes/Upper Midwest region is expected to remain below the US average. He also noted that recent inflationary pressures (labor and fuel) might push costs up an additional 5-8% over the course of the season. He recommended that property managers contract prior to October to lock in current rates.

Other cost indices soon to be released are: Exterior Landscaping; Pest Management; Pavement Maintenance; Janitorial/Sanitization.

For more information visit the Symbiot Web site.