by Shane Henson — December 24, 2012—Telkonet Inc., an energy management technology provider, announced that its project contracts have increased among U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) facilities, including U.S. military bases, that are seeking to become more energy efficient.
According to the company, its EcoSmart energy management platform has been used to complete several energy management installations at Air Force bases as well as a leading military academy. In the upcoming months, the company expects to complete EcoSmart installations at several additional training centers, military bases and a naval air station.
Through government contracts, Telkonet utilizes American Recovery Investment Act funding to install EcoSmart in military bases and other facilities, reportedly helping both the DOD and the government as a whole achieve their long-term energy efficiency goals. Telkonet’s EcoSmart energy management technology, among other capital improvements and efficiency projects, has played a role in reducing energy costs, the company asserts.
“The Department of Defense has currently been able to reduce its energy consumption by 13.3 percent. While that’s an impressive number, reaching their energy reduction goal of 30 percent by 2015 is a substantial undertaking—and therein lays Telkonet’s opportunity, says Jason Tienor, CEO of Telkonet. “Based on the successful results and savings that our EcoSmart technology has provided to the federal government and associated agencies thus far, I believe Telkonet will continue to play an integral and expanding role in assisting them to achieve their energy efficiency mandates.”