by Shane Henson — December 31, 2012—Tioga Energy, a provider of renewable energy services to commercial, government and nonprofit organizations, announced the completion of two solar electric systems for municipally owned facilities in Gila County, Arizona. According to Tioga Energy, the 390 kW project is expected to generate a lifetime electricity cost savings of nearly $500,000.
The Globe Courthouse now features a 205 kW solar electric system, designed to serve as a shade canopy for the facility’s parking lot. The courthouse will meet approximately 39 percent of its electricity needs with solar power, says Tioga.
Additionally, a 185 kW solar parking canopy is in place at the Central Heights Complex, home to Gila County operations including the Department of Elections and the Office of Emergency Management. That solar energy system is estimated to meet 84 percent of the facility’s electricity needs. Both systems were constructed by Phoenix-based Kitchell, says Tioga.
The solar system was made possible through Gila County’s 20-year SurePath Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Tioga Energy. A PPA is a long-term agreement between Tioga Energy and a customer to provide solar electricity at guaranteed long-term rates. Tioga says it provides the design, financing, maintenance and support for all elements of the solar electricity system, including management of rebates and other government financial incentives.