U.K.’s Loss Prevention Certification Board approves security fence under new rating

by jbs041310 a3 — April 16, 2010—The U.K.’s Jacksons Fencing has recently gained LPCB (Loss Prevention Certification Board) approval for its timber security fencing system under LPS 1175: Issue 6 Security Rating 3.

The fence, marketed under the name “Jakoustic Class 3,” is the first to be approved to Security Rating 3. Products certified to these standards resist experienced attempts at forced entry using a wide range of tools.

LPCB says it is working closely with a growing number of fence manufacturers and expects to approve a range of new high-performance security fencing systems over the next few months.

Approved systems will be listed in the external security barrier section in Volume 2 of the LPCB Red Book. This volume contains the list of all security products and services approved by LPCB.

LPCB will also be hosting a series of seminars focusing on perimeter protection at the Red Book Pavilion at the IFSEC exhibition taking place at NEC Birmingham May 10-14, 2010.