UGL Services to provide facilities management for South Carolina State University

by Rebecca Walker — January 10, 2011—UGL Services, a division of UGL Limited, announced that South Carolina State University (SC State) has retained the company to provide facilities management services for its 107 buildings and the 160-acre campus.

The renewable contract extends to 2015 and covers custodial and housekeeping, building operations and maintenance, landscaping and athletic field maintenance, as well as renovations and construction.

As a historically black land grant university with a 120-year history, the building infrastructure spans the 20th century and requires a range of services from historically attuned maintenance and repairs in the Lowman Hall to the Oliver C. Dawson stadium. UGL Services’ advanced building management techniques and technologies are designed to improve the overall property condition while minimizing unscheduled repairs.

UGL Services is applying its approach to campus-wide sustainability through its award-winning UGL Services GreenClean program. The program includes employee training for the company’s approximately 100 employees serving SC State; the use of sustainable cleaning and landscaping chemicals, equipment and techniques; and special communications and sustainability programs with students, faculty and staff.

For more information, see the Web site.