by AF 0506 f3 — May 11, 2009—Watt Stopper/Legrand’s Digital Lighting Management (DLM) is an all-digital suite of plug-together lighting controls that automatically configures to the most energy efficient sequence of operations based on components in the system, according to the company.
The result is that DLM meets and exceeds energy code requirements, saves more energy than conventional controls, and provides an unprecedented return on investment for both new construction and retrofit projects, the company says.
With DLM, each room or space in a building has its own control network. Users simply connect room controllers, occupancy sensors, switches and photocells as needed. Plug n’ Go technology (patent pending) then recognizes what is connected and automatically configures the space to the most energy efficient operation.
For example, when room controllers are connected only to occupancy sensors, they default to automatic-on/off operation. If a switch is added, operation changes to manual-on/automatic-off.
For additional details, visit the Web site.