Wind Powering America online maps show location of wind projects

by Jbs050110 f3 — May 5, 2010—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Wind Powering America program recently released two new online tools for Wind for Schools, as well as a tool for New England wind projects. The tools include:

  • Wind Energy for Schools—Project Locations is a Google Map that shows the location of installed and planned school wind energy projects in the United States, including wind projects for K-12, community colleges, universities and more.
  • Wind Energy Educational Programs and Training is also a Google Map that shows the location of wind energy educational programs and training in the United States. It includes programs at community colleges, universities and other institutions.
  • New England Wind Projects is another Google Map that shows the location of installed and planned New England wind projects. It locates windfarms, community-scale wind projects, customer-sited wind projects, small wind projects, and offshore wind projects.