The papers that you see on this page were submitted to FMLink by the companies whose names appear below. The articles were requested by FMLink without FMLink's being compensated for them.*

The Ashkin Group specializes in greening the cleaning process... (more)

(Facility Engineering Associates) is an engineering and facility management consulting firm... (more)

Leonardo Academy is dedicated to advancing sustainability... (more)

The USGBC is working to advance buildings that are environmentally responsible... (more)

Maintenance for an existing building’s envelope—Sustainable considerations for cost-effective retrofits (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
How you can have COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting, plus get a LEED credit (Sustainability » Ashkin Group)
How to accommodate future climate change within your landscape (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
What you must know now to be prepared for predicted changes to climate and extreme weather events
Reopening your building: A resource guide (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
The missing link: Sustainable reuse and recycling of building products (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
You’d be surprised by how much of a renovation project goes to the dump instead of reuse and recycling
What facility managers should ask of their cleaning professionals during this pandemic (Sustainability » Ashkin Group)
Sound masking for open office environments (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
Maintaining your assets over 50: The legacy of lead-based paints and the evolution of sustainable coatings (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
Is a natural ventilation strategy right for you? (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
Using renewable energy sources to reduce energy costs and emissions (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
See how the barriers to renewable energy are falling
Seven tips from best managed cleaning operations (Sustainability » Ashkin Group)
Best ways to save your cleaning staff time
Getting to the moon and back: What FMs need to know about goal-setting to achieve the outcome they want (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
Sustainable, resilient facilities: Part 2, Analyze your facilities data (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: How do facilities managers contribute? (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
Sustainable, resilient facilities: Part 1, Understanding your assets (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
Sustainable facilities, resilience, and the Internet of Things (Sustainability » FEA (Facility Engineering Associates, P.C.))
How to integrate today’s trends into an organizational strategy to result in a better workplace
“Help! My building’s ENERGY STAR® score just dropped!” – What that drop in score means, and how to respond (Sustainability » Leonardo Academy)
4 ways cleaning personnel can contribute to organizational sustainability (Sustainability » Ashkin Group)
Managing facilities for regenerative outcomes: You have the power to make a better place, not just slow down its demise (Sustainability » Linnean Solutions)
By looking at the building as a whole, and by studying how it interacts with its occupants, one is more likely to end up with a better building with a long life
* The articles appearing in this section are written by the organizations as stated with each paper; FMLink is not responsible for the accuracy of their content. Should anyone wish to contact FMLink regarding any article, please e-mail FMLink at support@fmlink.com. Contact information for each organization is provided inside each paper.