Future of Campus Law Enforcement [WEBCAST]

Future of Campus Law Enforcement 2022This is the second session of the Campus Security & Life Safety Virtual Summit, which provides vital information from industry experts on school shootings, campus law enforcement, and active shooters. With the current contentious debate about the role of campus law enforcement, and with college campuses across the nation becoming increasingly like complex small cities with their own unique safety challenges, including crime, safety on college campuses requires that we challenge the status quo, say the organizers. As we do, the future safety of campus communities depends on the success of realigning campus policing with the purpose initially imagined 50 years ago when campus policing emerged — to support a safe and secure campus environment for the whole community to thrive. It is time to enact a holistic safety model using a tiered guardianship approach that integrates security technology to support inclusive safety upon college campuses. Speaker: Lt. Anthony Frisbee, Interim Chief of Police, University of California, Riverside (UCR) Police Department, who has served as a public servant for 30 years, including over 17 years within the campus law enforcement profession.