NTSA Virtual Conference & Sponsor Showcase

NTSA logoThe National TradeShow Alliance (NTSA), founded in 2020 with a mission of connecting, supporting and developing the conferences, exhibitions, tradeshow and meetings workforce, will hold their 2021 Virtual Conference & Sponsor Showcase December 16. The virtual event will feature an interactive Sponsor Showcase, Meet the Speaker Exhibit and Social Media Lounge; educational speakers, including three keynote speakers and a panel of industry leaders discussing industry updates and trends; an opportunity to earn an MPI Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC); and the event industry’s best products and services for tomorrow’s events.

NTSA members are invited to showcase, network and connect with colleagues across all sectors of the live events industry in this new era of elevated responsibility to deliver enhanced safety at face-to-face events. Keynote speakers will include Odie Parkins, Carpenter Contractor Trust, speaking on customer service; Paisley Demby, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, with strategies to accelerate revenue; and John Cordier on understanding the risks and relationships between the pandemic, events and mitigation strategies. The panel of industry leaders speaking on what’s on the horizon includes Classic Exhibit’s Kevin Carty, ECA’s Tommy Goodwin, EDPA Executive Director Dasher Lowe and ECN Publisher Don Svehla.

Individuals who work in the tradeshow industry may join the NTSA for free by signing up at their website as the NTSA strives to make the “invisible industry” visible to the government and the future generations of workers. The show will be on demand for 30 days for registered attendees, who will have the opportunity to take advantage of live and post-event virtual stream coverage of main-stage presentations, attendee and exhibitor interviews, and sponsor acknowledgements from both the Together Again Expo & Job Fair held in Atlantic City last August and the 2020 Together Again Expo in Orlando.