Water Quality Association

WQA deals with treating water on the homeowner’s or business-owner’s property to prevent waterborne contaminants from entering a home or business. WQA is a resource and information source, a voice for the industry, an educator of professionals, and laboratory for product testing.

Watersheds [EPA]

This site from the US Environmental Protection Agency explains the EPA’s Watershed Protection Approach—a strategy for effectively protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems and protecting human health by solving problems at the watershed level. The strategy includes promoting a high level of stakeholder involvement and finding integrated solutions through multiple agencies.

Watt Stopper Lighting Energy Calculator

This calculator compares energy savings and paybacks for common lighting control strategies. It offers a Quick Assessment that allows users to enter a minimal amount of information and quickly calculate potential energy savings for a single room in a lighting system project with lighting controls; and a Full Assessment that presents anticipated savings using lighting controls and updated lighting for an entire building project.

Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM)

WebAIM is a nonprofit organization within the Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State University providing comprehensive Web accessibility solutions internationally since 1999. WebAIM’s mission is to expand the potential of the Web for people with disabilities by providing the knowledge, technical skills, tools, organizational leadership strategies, and vision that empower organizations in all sectors to make their own content accessible to people with disabilities.

Whole Building Design Guide (WDBG)

This online guide provides government and industry practitioners with up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria, and technology from a whole buildings perspective. It is a collaborative effort among federal agencies, private sector companies, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions. Each section features summaries of key topics as well as practical guidance, tools, and related building codes and standards. Topics include: sustainability, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, and reducing the environmental impact of materials.

Whole Building Design Guide (WDBG) [NIBS]

Web-based portal providing government and industry practitioners one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria, and technology from a “whole buildings” perspective. Offered by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), it is a collaborative effort among federal agencies, private sector companies, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions. Major categories: Design Guidance, Project Management, and Operations & Maintenance, plus links, news, and numerous resources.

Windows & Daylighting [DOE]

Under the DOE’s Berkeley Lab’s Building Technologies Program, this site gives extensive information, research, and products for making windows energy efficient. Topics include glazing materials, software, advanced systems, window properties, daylighting, commercial performance, highly insulating dynamic windows, and specifying fenestration products for commercial buildings.


This nonprofit organization works to increase wind energy opportunities for rural landowners and communities by providing technical support and creating tools for analysis. The site offers extensive wind energy information, news, resources, and related events.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

A CEO-led, Geneva-based global association of companies dealing exclusively with business and sustainable development, with members from numerous countries and major industrial sectors. Focus areas: energy and climate, development, the business role, and ecosystems. Projects/initiatives include: Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Water, Sustainable Value Chain, Capacity Building, and Eco-Patent Commons.

World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE)

A globally operating independent organization established to defend, develop, and promote policies at the multinational, governmental, institutional, corporate, community, and individual levels in favor of the wise and prudent use of all forms of natural and renewable forms of energy. The site offers access to publications, events, and associated organizations.

World Trade Center Health Resources [HHS]

This site from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a resource for responders, their families, medical professionals, and those seeking information about the health effects resulting from the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. It includes information on potential health risks, monitoring and treatment programs, scientific reports, and preparation for future response efforts.

World Trade Center Response [NIOSH]

This safety and health topic page from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) offers information about the response and recovery efforts after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. It includes WTC health resources for responders and victims, worker survey and health screening results, air sampling, and other resources such as how to protect emergency responders.