EPA Report on the Environment (2007)

Part of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Indicators Initiative, this page is designed to provide data for decision makers where environmental concerns are present. It uses available indicators and data to answer questions pertaining to national environmental and human health conditions. The documents describe current conditions, trends, and data gaps, with data available for specific geographic areas. The 2007 report will be available as an interactive, searchable Web site called the Electronic Report on the Environment.

EPA Superfund program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation’s most contaminated land (hazardous waste sites or “brownfields,” such as abandoned warehouses and landfills) and responding to environmental emergencies, oil spills and natural disasters.


ErgoWeb’s buyer’s guide for truly ergonomically designed products. Categories include: Office, Industrial, Health Care, Assessment Tools, Software and Publications. The site also lists ergonomics training and education.

Ergonomics [OSHA]

This comprehensive safety and health topic page from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration outlines OSHA’s approach to fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population in order to assure high productivity, avoid illness and injury risks, and increase satisfaction among the workforce. The site covers OSHA guidelines, enforcement, and outreach and assistance, and explains contributing conditions for musculoskeletal disorders as well as possible solutions that can be implemented to reduce or eliminate ergonomic risks in the workplace.


Extensive information and news on ergonomics, including a forum, numerous case studies, reference materials, and the Ergobuyer buyer’s guide [see FMLink listing above] for ergonomically designed products. The organization offers consulting and training services.


The EU ENERGY STAR program follows an agreement between the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Community to coordinate energy labeling of office equipment. The Web site targets three groups: private consumers, businesses, and public sector institutions. It offers information for office equipment manufacturers who want to register their ENERGY STAR-qualified equipment, and for large institutional and private business buyers interested in becoming ENERGY STAR Partners. The site provides news, links, downloads, FAQs, a Technical Library (including Glossary), and hints on how to select the most energy-saving configuration of office equipment and how to use it most efficiently.

European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE)

The EuroACE alliance was formed in 1998 by 20 of Europe’s leading companies involved with the manufacture, distribution and installation of a variety of energy saving goods and services. The Web site offers various free EuroACE-sponsored reports, and links to European institutions focused on or involved in helping Europe move toward a more sustainable pattern of energy use in buildings.

European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE)

A nonprofit, membership-based European nongovernmental organization (NGO) with the goal of promoting energy efficiency through information exchange and cooperation. eceee provides information through its Web site and e-mail newsletter, arranges workshops and conferences, and takes an active role in the European policy-making process. The site offers news, information on energy efficiency, columnists, a calendar, and updates on various EU directives.

European Facility Management Network (EuroFM)

A network of numerous organizations focused on facilities management in several European countries, whose mission is to advance the knowledge of facilities management in Europe and its application in practice, education, and research. The network offers the europeanFM insight magazine, the annual European Facility Management Conference (EFMC), and the EuroFM Students Newsletter, and more. The site offers news and information about EuroFM groups, publications, and other projects.

Everything you need to know about low-VOC and zero-VOC paints

This guide tackles a common pollutant that is widely used but hardly noticed as a health risk: mass-market paints. Many chemicals used in manufacturing paint emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that pose serious health risks to people. To mitigate such risks, paint manufacturers are increasingly moving towards low- or zero-VOC paints.

The article explains:

  • The difference between high-, low- and zero-VOC paints
  • Health risks of breathing VOCs
  • What is off-gassing, and what’s its relationship to VOCs?
  • How to differentiate natural or non-toxic paint from low- or zero-VOC paints
  • How to  reduce exposure to VOCs


Eye and Face Protection [OSHA]

This site from the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) addresses eye and face protection in the workplace. OSHA recommends the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in conjunction with guards, engineering controls, and sound manufacturing practices. The site contains relevant OSHA standards, potential hazards and possible solutions, training, and other resources, as well as OSHA’s Eye and Face Protection eTool.

Facility Protection [NIOSH]

Site from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) that offers steps businesses can take to protect against and minimize the effects of a terrorist attack, in addition to planning for emergencies (see Business Emergency Management Planning [NIOSH] above). The site describes modifications that can improve the protective features of physical facilities in the areas of air protection, security, high-rise protection, and chemical plant protection.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Part of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this government agency’s mission is to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program. The site offers information on specific disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, terrorism, and tornados; recent disaster declarations by the US president; a map of active disasters and emergencies; an information resource library; and more.

Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)

This program under the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources at federal sites. The site offers information and recommendations on energy-efficient equipment procurement, new construction/retrofits, operations & maintenance, and utility management, along with news and events.


This site links flooring customers and flooring professionals and aims to give consumers the most comprehensive information source available for purchasing or maintaining virtually any kind of floor surface. It includes buying and installation guides, as well as a “find it locally” tool that lists flooring pros.


Findsolar.com is a joint partnership between the American Solar Energy Society, Solar Electric Power Association, Energy Matters, and the US Department of Energy. The site informs businesses about incentives and the economics of solar energy, and connects them to solar manufacturers and qualified professionals who can install and service systems. Online energy calculators allow consumers to estimate solar system costs and output.

Fire Science Online

Under the Resources tab, this site offers Fire Science and Safety Education, 50 Fantastic Fire Science Resources, and Worst States for Fire Danger. The site also offers comprehensive career and education guides focused on public service and safety careers including: Homeland Security, Forestry, Public Administration, Cyber Security, Emergency Management, Criminal Justice, and Paramedics.

First Source

Produced by Reed Construction Data, this site provides (A/E/C) professionals free access to a comprehensive, up-to-date library of formatted commercial building product information, plus lists of manufacturers and distributors. Products are organized according to CSI’s 50-division MasterFormat 2004 (or 1995) numbering system. The site also offers the RSMeans Quick Cost Estimator, the Reed Design Registry of architecture firms, and a topic search with links to industry organizations, as well as various other services for subscribers.


FlexJobs is an award-winning job service said to provide legitimate, hand-screened work-from-home job opportunities, including telecommuting, part-time, freelance, or flextime jobs. FlexJobs is an advocate for flexible work options, work-life balance, and the environmental benefits of embracing alternative work arrangements. The site also offers skill testing, resume and job search tips, and a comprehensive Guide to the Best Companies for Flexible Jobs interactive map.

Flood and Tornado Recovery [OSHA]

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established a Web site aimed at keeping disaster site workers safe during cleanup and recovery operations after floods and tornadoes. The site includes numerous fact sheets and easy-reference QuickCards in English and Spanish, along with links to other workplace safety- and health-related Web pages. These resources provide response and recovery crews with information about ways to recognize and avoid injury from cleanup and recovery hazards.

Flu.gov [HHS]

This site from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is the official U.S. Government site for information on avian and pandemic influenza. It offers general information on the influenza virus; planning and response instructions for businesses, schools and others in case of an outbreak; news; and monitoring of outbreaks.

Food Service Technology Center (FSTC)

FSTC is a fuel-neutral scientific testing facility for benchmarking the energy performance of equipment used in commercial kitchens. Its Web site serves as a resource for professionals working in the commercial food service industry, providing tips and strategies to save water and energy, as well as links to FSTC-sponsored publications.