FMLink Newsletter — Furnishings and Interiors — April 9, 2020

This Furnishings & Interiors newsletter is one of a series of five specialized newsletters, supplementing our weekly general newsletter (sent on Mondays). For each of five weeks you will receive a different specialized newsletter on Thursdays or Fridays, focusing on a different FM-related area. To manage which ones you receive, click on the link below.

This newsletter covers furnishings and interiors news from February 27 through April 8, 2020.


Top office design trends for 2020, and how interior landscaping can boost employee performance (Surveys and Trends)

With current high demand for toilet paper, wipes, soap and hand sanitizer, how is supply holding up? GP PRO gives an update (Products and Services » Restroom Equipment and Supplies)


If you need to repaint a wall or furniture, this integrated app and device take much of the guesswork out of color selection (Products and Services » Software & Technology)

Getting office noise complaints? HON now offers more acoustic solutions with its open-plan furniture (Furniture & Furnishings » Products and Services)

If you need to keep on top of potential trouble in your facility (chemicals, vaping/smoking, gunshots, etc.), check out this new technology (Products and Services » Security)

If you need to keep high-traffic areas safer and disinfected, check out the PURELL VF PLUS Hand Sanitizer (Products and Services » Restroom Equipment and Supplies)