by jbs011409 g3 — January 18, 2010—Standards group ASTM International has taken action on several standards related to facilities in recent weeks, as listed below.
- Proposed standard WK12954, Guide for the Development of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), is being developed to provide advice and existing best business practices for emergency operations centers. The draft guide offers realistic choices to guide emergency managers, business continuity planners and others in creating new emergency operations centers or updating existing ones.
- New standard ASTM F2669, Performance Specification for Protective Clothing Worn by Operators Applying Pesticides, offers guidelines for providing the correct amount of protective clothing for individuals who apply pesticides as part of their jobs, taking into account the level of potential risk. The standard will provide a basis for the development of certified garments, which can then be specified by level on a pesticide label.
- The new edition of ASTM Standards for Fence Materials and Products is a compilation featuring the latest fencing-related standards for all aspects of the fencing industry. The 11th edition includes six new standards and 22 revised standards since it was last published in 2007. The 48 total standards cover such topics as chain-link and wire fence fabric, fences for recreational and correctional facilities, and industrial and commercial horizontal slide gates.
ASTM International standards can be purchased from Customer Service or on the ASTM Web site. ASTM International welcomes and encourages participation in the development of its standards.