BSI standard to help businesses identify key environmental impacts

by Brianna Crandall — March 9, 2015—BSI, the U.K.-based business standards company, has recently published a new standard to help businesses become more aware of how biodiversity issues can affect their environmental impact, with sections on biodiversity management as it pertains to normal operations, supply chain management, and land/premises management.

BS 8583, Biodiversity—Guidance for Businesses on Managing the Opportunities and Risks has been produced in association with BIS (the U.K.’s Department of Business Innovation and Skills) and endorsed by DEFRA (the U.K.’s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs). Until now there has been no guidance within or associated with any of the formal standards on sustainable development, social responsibility or environmental management, according to BSI.

The traditional perceptions of biodiversity are often associated with the environment and ecosystems, but there are also implications for businesses, points out BSI. BS 8583 provides an explanation of what biodiversity is, and why its consideration is relevant to many businesses. Ultimately the more a business aligns itself with a sound biodiversity strategy, the more cost-effective it will be for its operations in both the long and short term, says the group.

Guidance is given on the global, national and local targets that have been set for biodiversity protection and enhancement. BS 8583 also advises on three general methods of biodiversity management: normal operations, supply chain management, and land/premises management.

David Fatscher, head of market development for sustainability at BSI, commented, “BS 8583 provides guidance on biodiversity issues that are likely to be relevant to different types of organization, methods available for assessing an organization’s impact (KPIs) and advice on planning for biodiversity protection and/or enhancement.”

Corporate compliance officers, chief sustainability officers and social responsibility leaders will find the standard of great value as they manage their organizations’ performance in this area, and facilities managers may find it useful particularly for the operations and land/premises management sections.