Carlisle Syntec Systems e-book details commercial roofing systems

by Brianna Crandall — January 25, 2016—Carlisle SynTec Systems recently announced that its RoofEd e-book is now available for free download through iTunes and Google Play. RoofEd is designed to educate building owners and managers, roofing contractors, and architecture and design professionals on the attributes of various single-ply commercial roofing systems.

RoofEd contains a wide variety of resources, including videos, technical articles, case studies, lifecycle analyses and photos, all of which are designed to give readers a deeper understanding of their options when selecting a commercial roofing system.

The first chapter focuses on EPDM roofing systems and the attributes that have made EPDM the membrane of choice for many contractors, specifiers, and building owners.

RoofEd can be used as an on-the-road sales tool to help building owners choose the most sustainable, durable, and geographically appropriate roof for their buildings.

The e-book is compatible with Apple and Android tablet devices.