by Shane Henson — October 31, 2011—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a comprehensive program aimed at preventing infections in cancer patients. The Take 3 Steps Toward
Preventing Infections During Cancer Treatment initiative focuses on providing information, action steps, and tools for patients, their families, and their healthcare providers to reduce the risk of life-threatening infections during chemotherapy treatment.
The program will also be of importance to facilities managers at healthcare facilities who oversee the cleaning services and practices of employees. Each year more than one million patients receive cancer treatment in an outpatient oncology clinic. Despite advances in oncology care, infections from both community and health care settings remain a major cause of hospitalization and death among cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, says the CDC.
These resources offered through the program include an interactive Web site for cancer patients and caregivers, as well as a Basic Infection Control and Prevention Plan for use by outpatient oncology settings.
For healthcare providers and facilities administrators, the newly released CDC Guide to Infection Prevention in Outpatient Settings, featured and offered through the Web site, includes key policies and procedures to ensure the facility meets or exceeds minimal expectations for patient safety.