by Shane Henson — February 4, 2013—CIBSE Journal, the official magazine of the U.K.’s Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), has published a Building Services Careers supplement in this month’s issue. Hoping to encourage and help those looking for a way into or trying to progress within the sector, the guide offers advice from top professionals in the building services industry.
According to CIBSE, building services professionals deal with lighting; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC); elevators and escalators; acoustics; plumbing; power supply and energy management systems; and security and safety systems—in short, everything relating to a building that makes it safe and comfortable to be in, along with the building’s environmental performance.
CIBSE says readers of the guide will find it is an important resource for tips on how to grow their career, as it offers explanations of different roles within the sector and tales of success from current building services professionals, such as Sophia Negus, a senior mechanical engineer who is working on a project for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Also featured in the guide is Lee Tabis, who recently won Graduate of the Year at the CIBSE ASHRAE Young Engineer Awards. He discusses the benefits of having such a diverse job where “there’s something new to learn every day.”
Those looking to enter the field should be optimistic, despite the still shaky job market. A CIBSE/Hays Salary survey suggests that 57 percent of firms asked are looking to recruit more staff. CIBSE Journal Editor Alex Smith introduces the guide by saying, “Could building engineering become the degree of choice for the next generation of undergraduates?”