EOS Climate introduces game-changing refrigerant asset system

by Shane Henson — November 18, 2013—EOS Climate, a leader in pioneering the complete life cycle management of refrigerants, recently announced the launch of its Refrigerant Asset System (RAS), reportedly the first cross-sector business model that focuses on refrigerants as assets.

As EOS Climate explains, refrigerants are potent greenhouse gases and significant contributors to global climate change when released to the atmosphere. They have traditionally been treated as consumables in a linear model, in that they are produced, used, leaked, and replaced on an ongoing basis.

The RAS provides refrigerant-intensive industries, such as supermarkets, hotels and manufacturers of refrigeration and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment, with multiple asset optimization paths for their refrigerants. The system deploys integrated technology across the refrigerant value chain to track every pound of refrigerant from the point of purchase through to the end of life.

The unprecedented, real-time transparency into refrigerant movement is said to deliver information seamlessly for compliance reporting and advanced sustainability metrics, and to enable refrigerant owners to capture value from their assets. Because assets get managed, the RAS can revolutionize refrigerant use. Deployed at scale, it can prevent millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent from reaching the atmosphere, stresses EOS Climate.

“Refrigerants have long been viewed as a compliance and financial burden for business. Our new system is a fundamental shift in approach, treating the hundreds of millions of dollars that businesses like supermarkets have tied up in refrigerants as a valuable commodity. And, because businesses protect assets and don’t allow them to vanish into thin air, the environment benefits as well. It really is a win-win for everyone,” said EOS Climate CEO Matt Jones.

According to the company, major refrigeration service contractors and U.S. retailers such as Whole Foods and Whirlpool and are currently deploying the new platform on a pilot basis.