GSA creates template for more sustainable cafeterias

by jbs022010 a3 — February 22, 2010—The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is delivering healthier food choices and more sustainable, green cafeterias as part of President Obama’s commitment to improve wellness among federal employees. The White House Offices of Management and Budget and Health Reform worked with GSA to create a national template for the new food service requirements.

The new template incorporates healthier food choices and cooking techniques, menu variety to address special dietary needs, educational programs, and use of technology and other services to promote wellness. GSA will also provide healthier food snacks in vending machines and sundry shops in federal buildings.

Sustainable factors include encouraging use of locally and organically produced foods as well as green cleaning products, purchase of products made from renewable materials, and implementation of responsible recycling and composting programs.

GSA manages more than 350 federal cafeterias either under commercial contract or operated in conjunction with the Department of Education’s Randolph-Sheppard Act. The agency plans to phase in the new criteria as current food service contracts expire and to aggressively approach opportunities to enhance services in current contracts where there is consumer demand and support from the vendor.

For more information, see the GSA Web site.