IFMA launches Sustainable Facility Professional certificate

by Ann Withanee — March 30, 2011—The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) has launched its new certificate, the Sustainable Facility Professional (SFP). It is billed as helping FMs play a “key leadership role” in creating, managing and operating sustainable facilities.

The program offers training and assessment in four areas: Strategy and Alignment for Sustainable Facility Management; Managing Sustainable Facilities; and Operating Sustainable Facilities.

It will focus on eight specific categories, named as energy, water, materials and resources, workplace management, indoor environmental quality, quality of services, waste and site impact.

IFMA chairman Francis Kuhn said: “I am highly energized by the introduction of this assessment-based certificate program, which fills a critical void by providing facility managers with the tools they need to align sustainable FM practices with their organizations’ business models to impact the triple bottom line.”

Training can be delivered through self-study or in a classroom. While the self-study program is available now, it is expected that instructor-led courses will begin in summer this year.

For more information, visit the IFMA Web site.