IMS Research explores trends in intelligent buildings for 2013

by Brianna Crandall — January 30, 2013—IMS Research, provider of market research and consultancy to the global electronics industry and part of international consultancy IHS Inc., recently released its annual white paper exploring intelligent building trends for the year ahead. These predictions for 2013 and beyond serve to provide insight into key trends and opportunities in the intelligent buildings industry, and can help facilities managers understand better understand the industry and know which aspects may be most useful in the future for their own buildings.

According to IMS Research, 2012 “was certainly an interesting year” for intelligent building systems. Despite the stagnating new construction market, increasing numbers of existing buildings upgraded their systems to reduce the energy they consumed. Related to this, increasing numbers of existing buildings also gained energy certifications such as Energy Star or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

The free IMS Research report, titled Trends in Building Automation: 2013 and Beyond, indicates that the key intelligent building trends for 2013 are:

1. Cloud and Big Data Meet: Is this the perfect storm for building analytics?

The market for building analytics is still in the very early stages of development. However, the coming together of cloud computing and big data could rapidly accelerate the use of building analytics in 2013.

2. Small but Perfectly Formed: Small intelligent buildings

Historically, larger buildings have been the cornerstone of the intelligent building market; however, 2013 could mark the turning point for intelligent solutions in smaller buildings.

3. App Store for Building Automation: The building automation industry focuses on end user experience.

IMS Research predicts that improving the end user experience will be a priority for the building automation industry in 2013.