by Brianna Crandall — March 30, 2011—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recently announced the availability of The 5 Ls of Lighting: The Consumer’s Guide to Choosing Energy-Efficient Lighting.
This guide to the transition to more energy-efficient lighting provides a brief overview of the fundamental information about the new lighting energy efficiency standards that roll out nationwide starting January 2012 and that began in California in January of 2011. The five Ls in the title stand for location, lumens, light bulbs, label, and law.
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 is neither a ban on incandescent light bulbs nor a compact florescent lamp (CFL) mandate, notes NEMA. The 5 Ls of Lighting explains the implementation dates of the law and highlights the variety of light bulb options available.
The guide empowers consumers with the knowledge they need to take advantage of new light bulb technologies. It is designed to help consumers read package labels and differentiate among expanded options of light bulb technologies to select the best option for their needs.
NEMA encourages the media, utilities, retailers, and government to use the framework of The 5 Ls of Lighting to educate the American public about the transition to more energy-efficient lighting.