by Rebecca Walker — January 31, 2011—QA Graphics, a Midwest design firm specializing in creative solutions for the building automation industry, has created a Web interface to streamline the integration process of its Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard (EEED) with Johnson Controls Inc.’s Metasys building management system.
QA Graphics provides a variety of services for Johnson Controls. Its Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard is also used in a number of projects that utilize the Metasys building management system.
The Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard is an award-winning educational tool used by organizations to inform building occupants and the public about their sustainable practices. It’s a Web-based user interface that is integrated with a building’s control system to display real-time building performance data. It complements the Metasys system already in place, by showing the data in a more simplified format that’s easier for occupants and the public to understand. This allows everyone to get on board with the organization’s sustainability efforts and further improve building efficiencies.
Typically, the Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard requires a hardware component to integrate the application with a building’s control system. With QA Graphics’ new Web application for Metasys, the need for that hardware is eliminated, reducing setup time and making the integration process even easier.
The new Web application is an interface between the Johnson Controls MSEA network and QA Graphics’ Data Manager, which collects the live building data to distribute it for viewing on the final EEED interface.
Displayed online or on a touchscreen in a building lobby, it provides education about sustainable initiatives, using a variety of features like interactive quizzes, animated demonstrations and environment tips on how everyone can help make their building more efficient. The application is also editable, giving the end-user the ability to change much of the content and images as the sustainable initiatives progress.
For more information, see the Web site.