Survey indicates long-term use of fitness balls improves posture, muscle tone

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by Brianna Crandall — January 31, 2011—In response to several Ergonomics Today articles and discussions relating to the use of fitness balls as chairs for the office or classroom, a report was submitted to the publication by Eric Durak, MSc, offering his and his colleagues’ experience and research on the subject. Durak is a Wellness Specialist in the Injury Reduction Program, Dept. of Facilities Management at the University of California Santa Barbara.

Durak notes that it is a survey report, not an actual research study conducted by an academic department, but the report may be more conclusive than some recent studies because the office workers involved have been using their own fitness balls for over a year.

Long term use of the Fitness Ball in the Worksite Setting: A Survey of Administrative Office Workers, available online, concludes: “…the results of this survey indicate that administrative staff personnel who use fitness balls for five or more hours each work day over long time frames report improved posture, enhanced muscular endurance levels, and improved balance while using the balls, and suffered no adverse effects or injuries during office use.”